Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Death Threats

A girlfriend who is an aide in a special ed classroom had a death threat from one of her students who she had told to... put away his sandwich! That's it! Now he is in a mental institution and saying he's going to kill her. Am I sure I want to become a teacher? Kids are scary.

Did only second series this morning at yoga, no first, cause Tim was gone (I'm being bad). It was super hot and I almost made it into Karanda Vasana, but not quite. One of these days.

I'm having lunch, yum on the Trader Joe's Tomato and Red Pepper soup and crackers. TJs is the only affordable place around.

I am subbing for Drinda tonight at the front desk for the yoga studio, so I might go hard core and do a double today. I think Maria is teaching 1st series and despite her itty bitty size, she gives good adjustments. It's moon day tomorrow so why not.

People always talk about boring blog posts, well there's one for you.


Blogger Missus O said...

not boring. just life! that's insane about the death threat. kids and people in general are nuts these days. it's out of hand. you'll have to lay the yoga "smack down" when you become a teacher (peacefully of course ;). they won't know what to do with someone they can't rile!

4:20 PM  
Blogger formingnewsights said...

hey liz.. i think my mom gave the irs my old address.. so if u see anything that looks like a check from them.. please please please dont throw it away

10:49 PM  
Blogger liz said...

ok meg, I'll be on the look

8:05 AM  

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