Thursday, November 30, 2006

Shock Value

Seems that people are into shock value via their blogs as of late. They must be feeling bored. I sure am. Haven't had a vacation out of town for months and need to get some perspective/distance/fresh outlook. Bogged down by routine, demands, monotony, stagnation, annoyance. Seems many in the blog world (I hate the term Blogosphere... overdone) are delving into their dark and twisty thoughts. It is good to read blogs about risque topics, seeing how far people will go, will they name names? Are they breaking up? Do they actually slightly despise someone they read about everyday? Do they actually admire that girl for her prepubescent body? Do they say it is gross to appear to not have issues? I love reading comments the most... especially when they are heated. I don't say all that many inflamatory things... I am pretty much too consumed in my own head to be able to effectively get it out in the written form. B and I have long weird discussions, I guess that is my outlet for deciphering odd thoughts.

In re the prompts for posts courtesy of JMS, I guess I am a boring old fart and I don't hump people at the studio (such a great word), I don't cry during savasana (I did one in paschimotanasana once in NYC), and as for the other ones... I have relatives that read this blog (so I've heard though they never comment)... and I would just feel ew revealing such thoughts to them.

Posts I'd personally like to hear about-

1. Why people do yoga instead of crack. Seems to be just as addictive. And since so many people seem to want to be skinny, maybe crack would be the easier path? My answer- don't know but worthy of further thought

2. Why yoga teachers will tell their students they've gotten fatter? For control? To slight? Or just pure comment? I know that day will come, was once told 'very heavy' and then felt it

3. The competitive side of yoga. If they "sucked" would they practice? Do they love the admiring eyes watching them do what others will never be able to do and why that is addicting? When I started yoga I was a mess, not flexible, not one of those people that were told 'you have a beautiful practice...' I know that I don't need this reassurance, perhaps this comes from working my ass off as a swimmer for so many years. I think that is why Sunday morning is my favorite class... we just kick our own asses and don't pay attention to what others can/can't do.

4. Would they practice yoga if it weren't what the cool kids were doing? yep


Blogger Lees Lamar said...

Crack. I like that.
It could really work with that eating disorder thing.
Humping is a good word.
Boring is the norm....

7:52 PM  
Blogger Tiff said...

Aint that the truth...

Nothing wrong with being boring, I just like to switch it up a little...

I would probably think my life was boring (as I feel it is at the moment) if had a stable boyfriend, a career I knew I wanted, a dog (maybe 3-legged), and was kinda just chill with life at the moment.

Interesting how being mellow is boring. And if being boring is all you have to complain about, life really must not be that bad...

I just blogged about those two issues to be edgy and bold and probably very forward (which scares a lot of people and myself).

8:44 PM  
Blogger liz said...

I like your non boring posts- you are edgy and bold. Keeps things interesting

1:21 PM  
Blogger formingnewsights said...

ponch is crying at me...i dont do yoga, therefore i ccant comment on that issue..

8:37 PM  
Blogger Hanuman said...

yo, what is 'do yoga and suck'? i mean to ask suck depends upon one's interpretation of the word. but to your question, if suck means you cannot do alot of the postures, then yeah baby, i am a candidate for 'suck'. big time. years of competitive and non-competitive sports, and the escape from death took the functionality from my knees and hips. it ain't going to happen, as they say.

but the answer to your question is yes. in this context i suck, and i do yoga. why? because, asana is asana, it's the practice. if one thinks they are hot, there will always be someone better to humble them. i do yoga primarily for two reasons. one the asana thing helps all those old injuries. as the opening prayer says, the jungle physician is working on my body, and i definitely feel the rewards.

equally important this 'suckee' does the yoga for the other seven limbs. to me that is the real fruit. the places i go with the satguru in pranayama are beyond the beyond. the changes he brings to my life are amazing. what a blessing. what a blessing.

so, if anyone else sucks, i highly recommend the path. my life is a place i could never have imagined. not even ever have comprehended. it's the yoga baby, it's the practice. and yeah it may be trite for an ashtangi to say, but - practice and all is coming. i live it everday. i know it to be true, at least in my experience.

namaste and shanti.

7:24 AM  
Blogger liz said...

you said it hanuman- my right side "sucks" and I am dealing with old and new injuries. Here's to the healing power of acknowledging ones' own suckiness

12:24 PM  

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