Thursday, December 21, 2006

whoa there nelly

Ok, gotta chill on the xmas shopping. I LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping for gifts and would spend a thousand on each of my family members and friends if let loose. I think I am officially done. I just picked up the last gift for my bro and that was the last one on my list. Yippee!

School is out, today was insane. The kids were so excited to be going on break that it seemed they were all tweaked out on crack. They were sooooo fidgety and wouldn't shut the hell up. The TA and I were yelling all day. Stessful and I'm feeling the stress in my back and in my fatigued body. Oh well, it is breaky break time now so atleast I have two weeks to recover.

I turned in an application today for my "Real" job. Wish me luck for a position teaching second semester. I think I would go gray by 30 if I had to sub all second semester. I want some real money and a real class. I really despise subbing. I wish I could take back how horrible I was as a kid to the subs... ah, what retribution.

Tomorrow we are celebrating our two year anniversary. I got some good gifts for B. He is very practical so I got him socks... ya, I know, but he'll be stoked, believe me. I also got him a temperpedic pillow which he's wanted forever, and lastly a really good bottle of Rhone. I have no idea what he is thinking of for my gift. I know what I want though. Expectations are a bummer.

A cop got shot in Oside near where my students live. It is rough in the valley there. The TA knew the cop. Sucks. They are still on a man hunt, no guy yet. Feel so bad for his family :(

On a lighter note, heading north Saturday night for 10 days with the fam. Can't wait to have some down time, a full fridge, and a comfy couch!

Happy holiday ya'll


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