Sunday, July 30, 2006


My brother sent me these photos. Back in the old days
pre freak out about high dives, on my swim team, named Lewis-Clark Neptune Swim Team (for the towns of Lewiston and Clarkston) at our local swim meet would have some father of a swimmer dress up as "King Neptune," climb up on the high dive as we were listening to the Star Spangled Banner. At the conclusion we would chant, Water Water H2O, Neptunes Neptunes, Go Go Go! And Kind Neptune would jump in. Now I live on Neptune, actually getting used to the place, great being able to walk to surf (went out tonight). Everything comes full circle...

A friend of my bro's works at the local newspaper and recently sent him this photo from the late seventies, before even my time (I began swimming in 85). Anyways, this photo brought back a flood of emotion... Oh the good old days, high dives, rides at K-mart (sans safety bars), sitting in the back of trucks...etc. We are too regulated.

I am going home Wednesday through Monday. Stoked, I need some family time, and some good old Clarkston River Time.

Stay cool-

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I know you are on the edge of your seat wondering what could and will be happening on the next installment of "Liz's so called Life"

I had a great, albeit sweat-fest practice. Love those days. Cruisy.

Decided I'm going to go home to Clarkston for a few days in a week and a half. I need some family time. Shopping, manicures, haircut, and hopefully a massage as well. Love being spoiled by the madre. The condition I'm in right now- terrible hair, won't even speak of the nails, my clothes are all pretty much full of holes, and I need a massage like it is nobody's business.

I need to crank out a couple of assignments, then it is off to the beach. Hello, how freaking hot and humid is it!! This weather is really weird.

I went running yesterday, how random is that?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

This place sucks, but....

But I can hear the waves in our bedroom and right now as I am doing some school work. An ocean breeze is coming through the window. Blissful.

Jobby job is good, I love teaching and hangin with kids. Which is good cause I've spent fifty billion dollars on getting this MA and I better freaking enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Our new place is dingy... but atleast it is somewhere to lay our heads for a couple of months. Hopefully we will be able to find our own place in a couple of months after saving up some cash and when the post summer prices are lower.

I am teaching in the mornings now, so starting tomorrow I am going to be getting up insanely early and doing a self practice at the shala. Wish me luck, I just couldn't turn down the extra hours and I need to get used to getting up that early anyway as I will be doing this for the school year from here on out. Blah, work shmurk.

I was so tired yesterday. Exhausted all day. I don't like feeling like everything is just so exhausting that all I am good for is sitting on the couch. I crashed out at like 9pm. Still run down from being sick.

Not much else to report. Super busy this week. Two more weeks and then my class is finished. August is going to be great!!! no classes- just hanging on the beach time

Later skaters

Friday, July 14, 2006

Queen Neptune

Soooooo, B found us a place! Yippee! It is just a room, but it is on Neptune, the coolest street in North County by far, well, that is my opinion anyway. Love it! And... the clincher is that it is going to be in a house with a couple of cool, chill folks, and best of all, we are going to be paying just under 700, total! So that means I am only going to come up with 350 for rent and probably 50 or so for utilities. Yep, like that number. After my last house that was so expensive, this is a welcome change. How sweet is that. Roll out of bed onto the beach. We are going to start moving our stuff in this weekend. I'm super stoked.

We are dog sitting for an adorable Australian Sheppard. Her name is Annapurna (a himalayan mountain range) and she's a doll. B loves her too. Last night he was sitting on the couch and purna was curled at his feet. Adorable. Too bad dogs are such a difficulty. Ya, they're great, but tons of work and after our difficulties finding places to live allowing dogs, it tries one's patience.

Working at an ESL school, it is going well, we are going to watch a film this arvo so it's going to be a good day! My old job STILL hasn't sent me my final check though I've called repeatedly. AND< my old landlord hasn't given me my deposit back- NOT FREAKING COOL. I've called him twice and he hasn't responded to my calls. WTF! He has 1400 bucks of ours, sure we won't be getting all of it back, but the majority! So lame, give me my f-ing money.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Yeahhhhh ITALY!

For some reason I am super stoked about Italy winning. I love the underdog I guess. That was a sweet game and for those who watched, how crazy was the red card against Zidane??!! I could not believe that he did that, and with 10 to go in OT! He's never going to live that one down-

Beach day yesterday and it was gorgeous. I love surfing without a wet suit, one of the best things in the world, really. It must have been 72 in the water and I was out there, loving life, and stoked to be in SD. This is why I live here. The summers rock. Not too hot, warm ocean, some waves, friends hanging on the beach. Life is good.

Still homeless, but that is a tired subject so I am not going to dwell. Am dog sitting for a week though starting tuesday so we'll have a place to hang our hats for atleast a week.

I start my summer teaching job tomorrow which is good, and then start a schedule on tuesday of 1-430. Perfect! Yoga in the am, then a surf, then work for a while. Ahhhh, the good life. I'm obviously in a good mood, must be the post win glow.

I went to second series this morning. Rough coming back, feels like I'm having to learn it all again. My upper body is weak, my right hip is ridiculous trying to do pasasana in Karandavasana, and my back bends are pretty poor. I am definitely way behind where I was pre-trip, but what can you expect after not even being able to walk a week ago.

I went out with the girls last night, and was so good, only one margarita! Good Liz! Well, we won't count the two rum and cokes pre-party :)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Back from the Dead

I'm back in Encinitas. I got sick last wednesday and ended up in the ER on Saturday. I was sooooooooooo sick. I finally figured out that it was something called the "Coxsackie" virus. I had huge red bumbs that are now bruises all over and a fever, joint pain, and headache. And like 30 sores in my mouth. There were several times I couldn't even walk, my body was rebelling. I haven't been that sick or in so much pain since having Malaria in Africa. It was THAT BAD. I am a wreck, but am now able to walk, actually did some yoga this morning though the attempt was pretty poor. Oh well, time to heal and taking it easy is the recipe.

I am homeless, doesn't look that like that situation is going to change anytime soon either. No where that is accepting dogs, nor where we can afford to live. B doesn't seem to be in any big hurry either. Yeah, life in the van. Oh well, it could be worse, I could be sick again. Nothing was worse than that.

It is good to be home. Well, no home, but you know what I mean. I am playing catch up with my school work and am currently procrastinating. I need to get some stuff done now actually, but i need food so it is going to have to wait a little while longer!