Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mmmmm, Tasty

Went to the wine bar "Tastes" again last night. Our buddy works there. When I got off work early and called the man, he was there with our friend's folks. They had been there since 3 and he had joined them at around 530. I thought they'd be wasted but B had only had two glasses of wine. Anyway, his folks are super cool. The dad loved me and kept telling B how lucky he is to have me, good reminder! It wasn't gross or anything, he was just really happy for B who he has known for quite a while. After the 3 kids were raised they decided to sell everything and travel around the country by driving RVs to people from the factory to where they live. Pretty wild eh? They love it. They are so young at heart and still give each other kisses on the cheek and little squeezes now and then. They've been together 31 years and they are like newly weds. So cool.

I just finished second series class. It was like most Sundays, not great, not bad. Not much to say there except for that I am really trying to focus on the bhandas and it seems that balances are improving, and that my hamstring may be on the mend. Oh p.s. for all you yogis and yoginis out there, check out
this website. Hilarious yet disturbing!

Yesterday at yoga I was filling in for a girl who was on vacation and there was a woman showing some jewelry at the studio. Really cool stuff. Her name is
Dhyan Sherri and she lives in Hawaii. One day maybe I'll get her to redo some jewelry of mine.

My scoliosis is starting to act up. The chair sucks, that is probably why.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Summer List

A girlfriend put a list of things she wants to do this summer on her blog. Good idea!

1. Yosemite- I've never been there. How ridiculous is that?

2. Move into a cheaper place, I really miss living in Leucadia. O'side sucks and the bills are killing us.

3. Plan my dad's 60th bday party

4. Go to Ventura for a weekend

5. Go out surfing more, the freaking water needs to warm the f up

6. Get that freaking pose "Karanda Vasana" figured out

7. Help B figure out a better career path, (though I know this is a personal journey) he needs something besides writing code, he can't stand it!

8. Get my student teaching sorted out

9. Get more massages from Susan!

I guess that's it, hope all you bloggers are well. My back is tweeking today, scoliosis can f off.

Monday, April 24, 2006

I think this is what I am going to wear to class tomorrow

I don't want to jinx it but...

Yoga has been pretty nice the last couple of days. I haven't been sore (well, only a little) and have seemed to have a steady supply of energy throughout the practice. I think the fact that I've been drinking a lot of lemon water, eating light, having very little wine, and no coffee have all really helped out the soreness issue. Drinking coffee makes me really sore. Does anyone else have this effect? I gave it up a while ago. Feel better for it. B doesn't drink it much anymore either cause it bothers his stomach.

This morning I really enjoyed being on the mat and I didn't feel that rush to "just get done" that definitely happens some days. I was content just being there. I've also really been working on the bandhas and wow that makes a difference in handstands and other balance poses.

I decided against doing the swimming lesson job, I don't have a current WSI and don't have the time to take the class again (nor the patience, money, or willingness to commute to take the class in SD). I hope I can find a little bit of additional work somehow, but next month's class for my Masters is going to keep me really busy so I'll probably be very glad that I have a little bit of time where at the moment I think I should be working more.

Watched a pretty out there movie last night, but I actually liked it. It is called "Morvern Callar" and is about a chic whose boyfriend commits suicide and how she handles it. I definitely wouldn't handle it the way she did but wow, that would seriously freak you out. The morbid side of me has thought sometimes what that would be like to lose someone so close. Yuck, I don't want to entertain that thought any further.

I played softball for a few hours yesterday with my softball buddies, got a sweet sunburn on my neck and chest, of course. I look like a big salmon when I get in the sun. I love being outside but I really have to be careful not to burn.

So I got a spam comment on my last post. Anyone know how to block those? How dumb are those anyway, like you would actually buy into some hoax like that. Do they think we are that freaking dumb?

Gorgeous today. Sometimes when I have time off I don't know what to do with it. I bought a Women's mag for the first time in ages today while I was buying books for my three friends who all had babies on the same weekend. When B saw the mag he asked "Why do all women's mags have sex tips? I mean, how many tips can there be?" Well, I don't know. But there is always value in a good education, eh?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

No Sleep til... 730

I went to bed at 730 last night. We were super busy at work, so I didn't get home from working lunch until 5pm last night. Since I don't have time to eat at work, I hadn't had any food since 10 am so I had dinner and then totally crashed out. Like, in clothes and everything. I guess I really needed some rest.

I have a state exam today at 130 in Vista. Ewwwww. I am going to go study in a few with my friend. I hate tests. I haven't really studied at all. Oh well, if I fail I'll just take it again.

So I can hardly drink at all anymore. I shared a bottle of wine with B on Thursday night. I was sooooooo hungover at yoga on Friday morning. Just gotta not have any more than 2 glasses or I just get all headachey and nauseous. I'm a wimp... but that is good I guess.

I am going to go up to Newport Beach Monday to see about a swimming lesson job. It would be part time and working in La Costa at the community pools there for the richy rich developments. Would be pretty good money and fun, talk about a blast from the past! I haven't taught swimming lessons in a while, takes me back to my youth.

I am back to SF in a couple of weeks to see the ballet with my ma and aunty, stoked! I love going up there and seeing the ballet. This one is called "Sylvia"
I feel so shwanky...

Lander was tripping out last night, I think he was chasing a hornet. A huge one that looked like it had helicopter propellors was in the room this morn.

Stoked for my 1600 buck tax return... sweet!

Monday, April 17, 2006

B doing the Brian Shuffle... what a nerd! Love him though

Rub a dub dub

I just got an amazing massage. A friend from the yoga studio gave me a GREAT deal and a real massage, none of that wishy washy stuff. She really got into all the knots and sorted out my upper spine (I have scoliosis). It feels so much better, and is back into position, atleast for a while. It was great, she is going to be my new addiction...

I have the day off today, sweet! I am hanging out with the puppy, might watch a flick, and then will probably go for an afternoon walk with my girlfriend. Yoga was good this morning.

If I were a rich woman...

I would get a massage every other day, no every day-I would eat all organic food-I would go on a trip with my main man to Australia to see Lauren-I would do volunteer work somewhere, hopefully doing something actually beneficial-Hmmmm, what else?-Get facials and manicures/pedicures-Get a Subaru Outback- sporty style of course!-Go to the movies more-Drink fine wine-Donate to programs which promote health ed in Africa-Take my fam on a trip somewhere-buy a cool purse... and of course get a sweet pad in Cardiff-by-the-sea.

My materialism is coming off, must be all of the rich folks around me living in so cal. Actually, I am pretty damn happy the way I am, so scratch all that stuff above, well, not the subaru, Australia, and massages.

Friday, April 14, 2006

This morning was so rough on the yoga front. OUCH! Several factors contributed: Two yoga practices Wednesday, moon day, a long walk yesterday, and too much wine last night. I felt so bad, stiff, weak, tired, blah. Hate those days, though they are fairly rare, they sure do punch you in the gut when they happen.

We had dinner on the back deck because it was so warm and summery last evening. I love this house, I am really lucky. Oceanside pretty much sucks, unless you're into Army gear and jacked up trucks, but the house is so homey.

My friend did a cool list on her blog so I'm going to copy her topics and answer them myself... thanks Meg...

Number one thing I'm excited about this week: We are talking about taking a trip to Yosemite in June. I've never been and I can't wait to get the F*%# out of here. I need a break.

Annoying thing of the week: Work has been sooooooooooo slow, I think it is because of it being tax week

Favorite Snack: Still Kombucha and ak mak crackers.... YUMMM

Interesting Happening: The realization that the Buddha's message of "Life is Suffering" sure makes sense and that Detachment is something I really need to focus more upon

My subtle Happiness this week: My gorgeous, sexy, and best lover-in-the-world man

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Death Threats

A girlfriend who is an aide in a special ed classroom had a death threat from one of her students who she had told to... put away his sandwich! That's it! Now he is in a mental institution and saying he's going to kill her. Am I sure I want to become a teacher? Kids are scary.

Did only second series this morning at yoga, no first, cause Tim was gone (I'm being bad). It was super hot and I almost made it into Karanda Vasana, but not quite. One of these days.

I'm having lunch, yum on the Trader Joe's Tomato and Red Pepper soup and crackers. TJs is the only affordable place around.

I am subbing for Drinda tonight at the front desk for the yoga studio, so I might go hard core and do a double today. I think Maria is teaching 1st series and despite her itty bitty size, she gives good adjustments. It's moon day tomorrow so why not.

People always talk about boring blog posts, well there's one for you.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tsotsi, sore throats, crazy vines, non-communicating bosses, yoga retreats, clocks

B and I went to the movie last night down in Del Mar. It's amazing we actually left the house. We can be such hermits. After an insanely good dinner of Spring Rolls with peanut sauce, we saw the winner of "Best Foreign Film" called "Tsotsi" which means thug in Africaans. It is a movie out of South Africa and is exceedingly good. I highly recommend it. I love movies that present characters that are on the fringes of society, that do awful things, yet we end up caring for in the end. It makes you think about being so quick to judge people upon one aspect of their life. I wonder if you could dissect people to determine the % of good and the % of bad, what the overall average would be. I would reckon somewhere around 65 % good. What do you think? Anyways, I love complex movies like this, and like "Crash." These are movies that transcend the typical battle of "good and evil" which so much of Hollywood depends on. I can't stand the presentation of one dimentional characters as it is not the way it is. Everyone has a good and bad side. Anyway, I really enjoyed it.

It is so beautiful today, but I think I may be coming down with something. I have a sore throat and have a limited store of energy. Saturday morning housework has kept me busy the last couple of hours and now the man is at the library doing school work. I think I am going to attempt to get some of the wild plants back under control... Wish me luck! Will probably wipe me out, but a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.

Work was slow yesterday, didn't make much money at all. Boo. Thursday was fair though. Too bad I broke a cork, not suprising though as the owner of the restaurant almost broke the next bottle's cork, it was so brittle. Believe me, I have lots of experience opening wine bottles (lush that I am) but this one just disintegrated. Too bad it was a 74 dollar bottle of wine, but K wasn't mad so, whew!

I still need another job as my other boss (well I guess former) is incommunicado. Doesn't return my emails asking if he wants me to come into work. Seems silly and sooooooooooo unprofessional. Whatever, as long as he gives me the rest of the money he owes me. I am over that place. Done. I need to go in and get a couple of things but how lame is that? Used to just tell me like a second before I am supposed to work, "Oh, I don't need you today, see you Monday" or something of the like. This is not the way to run a business, nor the way to keep employees. Oh well, it was the most boring job in the world anyway. So, I do need another little part time job for a while until I get this Masters done. Not long now, but I still have the spring and summer where I need to find more work so I can continue paying rent!

One thing that I am super stoked about is that there is going to be a yoga retreat in Idyllwild and I get to go gratis! A woman from yoga is helping out Alison with a yoga retreat in June and I am going to help out in the kitchen. I've always wanted to get to know Alison better but have never had the opportunity. The fellow Washingtonian seems very interesting and her humility is evident. I am very much looking forward to it, I have never been on a yoga retreat before as they have always been out of my financial reach, actually this one is very reasonable which is cool, only 175 for the whole weekend, that is cheaper than I've ever seen. I can't wait til I am teaching and pulling down a decent income. Thank God for B, he pays for so much, without him I would be living on Top Ramen~ San Diego is so hard financially unless you have a career niche, or you work in some lucrative field.

Trying to think of possible future destinations to live, it wouldn't be for awhile, but B and I are getting tired of the traffic and cost of living here. Hmmmm, it is so hard to figure this out for us. We know we want to be somewhere with plenty of opportunity for outdoor exploration, I would appreciate a good yoga teacher, however not sure this will be possible. I also crave a lower cost of living as I want to buy a house eventually.

I asked B the other night what would be the one thing he wanted to do sometime in life, he said "Have a kid." Lucky he can have a kid at any age, I however, need to get cracking. Getting up there and not even hitched yet. Wha la- my insecurities on my sleeve.

Happy Saturday...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Thought of the day...

Modern stupidity means not ignorance but the nonthought of received ideas -
Milan Kundera.

Other thoughts of the day...

My right knee is sore
B is the best thing ever
I like the rain
Where am I going to do my student teaching?
My mouth has a strange sore in it, but I won't elaborate,gross

I love my friends
Lots of new babies this weekend! Ya! (Jealous!!!)
I need a job, any offers? HELP!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lander is a weirdo, he is 11, 77 in dog years and he is still afraid of the rain. He gets all twitchy-Obviously, it is rainy and cozy. Think we might have a fire tonight, I am making Calzones! Swiss-Chard with Sundried tomatoes. Yum. Well, gonna try at least, I haven't made them before. No wonder all my clothes are tight! Feeling tubby. However, I had a great yoga this morning. Love those sessions. Super bendy, adequate energy, nice hot room. A friend got back from overseas, dude, he's so freaking skinny it's pretty wild. Here he is off to the left.
Ma went home last night, we had a good visit. She bought me tons of stuff, feel kinda bad about it, like I take advantage a bit. But she seems to like getting me stuff for my cute little house, so I guess I'll take it!
Tried to have a sewing lesson on my inherited sewing machine but it is not working properly so I am not yet the master sewer.
Boring post, not much to say I guess, things are pretty normal... sorry to be boring

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ma, and then me taking a ride in grandpa's old car that we just found. 1955 Morgan- I gotta get me one of those
Yoga, Rain, Tummy aches, Shopping Spree, 1955...

Just to start, yoga yesterday was nice. I slept in a bit, until 730 and then got to yoga about 830. I had a long and slow practice. It took a while to get the knots out, but by the end it was bendy city. I grabbed my knees in my last backbend and when Rich let go I was able to balance. That is so trippy. If you would have shown me a picture of that a few years ago I would have thought the person was a circus freak. I guess I've always wanted to be a carny deep down. I got really close to getting my legs into Padmasana, in Pincha Mayurasana, for Karanda Vasana. A little bit more, but the focus is on relax, relax, melt the muscles...easy does it, it might be working, not quite sure yet.

This morning it is gray and the ground is wet. I love a little rain, makes everything so cozy and I don't feel the need to leave my cute little house. On a sunny day I feel that I need to be outside and it is though I am wasting the day if I stay inside. It is a ridiculous sentiment, however, it exists.

B has a sour stomach all the time lately. I think it is cause he is out of Lemon Ginger tea. I hope that is it, we'll get some today and then see.

SHOPPING SPREE yesterday with ma. We went to Pier 1 and got new dishes, so cute. Then to Sur la table, where we purchased a mini-cuisanart, Bed Bath and Beyond for a new floor mat and cookie sheet, then to Antropologie (YA!) where we dropped 350 on a few new tops. ARG, glad she enjoys buying me stuff cause there is no way I could go and spend this kind of money myself.

Today we are going to go up to Orange County and check out a car that my Grandpa, on my mother's side, used to own, we think it is the same one anyways. She has been hoping to find that car, a 1955 Morgan drop head coupe, for her entire adult life. She is going to try to buy it, though the owner might not be interested in selling. We'll see. It should be fun to see the old car, will make her very happy and reminisce in her childhood which is such a treat to see.

I want a vacation... yosemite would be so cool but don't think that will happen. I definitely want a lot of camping here soon, miss it tons. I want to buy B this grill that he wants for camping, just need to come up with an extra 180 bucks.