Wednesday, January 17, 2007

List time

Things to be stoked about:

1. Done with student teaching
2. Job interview Friday
3. Bali this summer with Brian :)
4. Santa Barbara this weekend with Brian :)
5. Landing Bakasana B from Handstand (but not today, only Monday)

Things to not be stoked about:

1. Still live in the sludge house (but heh, makes sense to stay until summer and save cash for Bali)
2. Brrrrr
3. I have an interview... makes me nervous
4. Have to retake my constitution test cause I failed (I guess I should have studied!!!)
5. My right side is soooooooooooo tight, no end in sight

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bye bud

Lander died last night. We came home from the movie and he was gone. He was old, and has been sick, but had been better recently, even going for a couple of adventures yesterday. I miss him, his face, and him putting his head on my lap. He was part of our little family.

I'll miss you buddy. You could be a pain, but I loved you.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Back

I had a lovely visit back to good old Clarkston. I saw lots of friends and family and settled into a nice LAZY pace. Driving, life in general is just slower there. Good for the soul. I did only two practices of first series only. I did lots of tv watching, shopping, and sleeping. Ah, home is so easy.

Back to life now. Yoga wasn't too bad this morning, though I'm having this weird pinching in my left hip flexor, like it is out of place. I couldn't do leg behind the head because of this pinching. It just wouldn't go. I came really close to Karandavasana this morning, though not close enough! I've figured out what exactly inhibits the legs from going into lotus easily upside down and it is definitely that the sides of my butt are tight. This is a tough area to get to.

So sad about what happened to Sean O'Shea. I didn't know him though I've practiced with him. Such a freak accident and so sad for those who loved him.

I hope you are all well and bring on 2007, it is going to be a good one