Wednesday, June 28, 2006

No yoga

I need some yoga, but have no where to do it. It is going to be rough when I get back. Out of shape, and super tight. Fun stuff. Ma and pa are coming down today. Sweet! Good ol ma got me and B a hotel room for the night too, sweet- bring on the shower baby, and the freaking AC. We are at the public library in Redmond, B has to work so I'm going to see if I can find a laundry place- all my clothes are filthy, not just slightly dirty, gross dirty.

Monday, June 26, 2006


So no yoga pretty much this whole trip. Lots of driving and sitting. It is going to be rough getting back into it, but oh well, good to get a break from the same old same old.

We are in Bend, Oregon. Cool place. Hopefully going to get some hiking in tomorrow. I need some exercise.

We were kinda bored in Trinity Alps, not much to do if you don't have a boat. It was soooo flipping hot, as it has been everywhere, so we couldn't even think about doing anything away from the water. Hiking? Forget it, too hot after 8am.

I spoke to my mom this morning, she's going to come down and meet us in Oregon. Ahhh, she'll get a hotel room and I'll get a decent shower and some coveted AC. Will be great to see her and have some mom time.

How is everyone? I'm so stiff and grody, but heh, that is life.

Monday, June 19, 2006

SF, now that's cool

I love love love San Francisco. Now why can't it just be located in San Diego? This town rocks. We are here at a friend of B's and got in last night. We are getting school work and work work done so that we can head up to the mountains manana. We are going to go up the coast and then cut in on highway 36 (probably) to get to the Trinity/Shasta area... Stoked for that. I hope we'll stay for a while, not sure we're going to make it up to Oregon cause we might be back in SF on the first for a party at a friend's place, we'll see.

So this is what we've done so far (without a camera to document it, my camera isn't working f-ing hell).

We left wednesday evening after a LONG FREAKING DAY of moving crap, cleaning, taking stuff to goodwill, grocery shopping, etc, etc. Gosh I was glad that day was over. That night I pretty much crashed out and B got us all the way up to Ventura. We spent the next morning in Ventura and then we had some breaka at an old school dinner. I had old fashioned oat meal :) then we went to some wineries, Foxen and Beckman. Foxen was cool, super rustic, but a little pompous. Beckman was not pompous, but not as good (still quite good though). Then we headed up to SLO and stayed in a park. HI, how expensive should camping be? NOT 25 bucks in my opinion. I prefer sleeping on the side of the road, but most places don't allow that.

So the next day we went to a great place called Fiala in Edna, right outside of San Luis. Then we went to the winery "Baileyana" where they told us about a free concert in the park that night in town. We stayed for the concert and checked out San Luis. We both LOVE LOVE that town. Smaller, less traffic, ocean, wine, stuff to do downtown. Great place. THen we went to Morro Bay the next day, went for a walk on the beach, had some lunch and then drove to Big Sur. This was a mistake and we should have known better than going on the weekend, but we drove through a Gorgeous but windy Big Sur and couldn't find any campsites. NOT A ONE was available so we drove to Santa Cruz and stayed at my aunt's place. She wasn't there cause she is up in Idaho with my mom for a little vacation, but it was good to wash our stuff, do some shopping, shower...etc.

We came up to SF last night and met up with his friend. He took us to Absynthe, a really nice french restaurant. It was so late and I knew I wanted to go to yoga so I didn't eat (I had eaten earlier), but I did have two glasses of lovely wine.

I went to Yoga Tree this morning and practiced with Clayton. I liked the space a lot. It reminds me both of Patanjali and of the yoga shala in Seattle. Old, not pretentious, cool, good energy. The students were mostly doing first, I felt like a bit of an exhibitionist with my handstands and tic tocs, but hey, that is my practice and I'm not going to apologize! I couldn't really figure out what he wanted me to do with the backbending. I had done my typical three, then standing, then 5 drop backs, then three tic tocs, two stand ups, and then I asked him to help me with Vristikasana, and it was like he had never adjusted in that pose before, he didn't really do much for it, but oh well. He did give a great paschi adjustment that I'll have to tell Rich and Kiran about.

Well, that was long winded, but it will be a good reminder of my trip when I look back at my blog. Hope all y'all are doing well, keep in touch, I'll check in soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blast off

Hopefully we are getting out of here today. Still a lot to do- cleaning, groceries, drop off car, go to RiteAid, one more trip to storage unit. B is eating something, I just finished up the rest of this week's school work.

I'll stop in sometime along my travels to give an update, in the mean time, adios amigos!

Monday, June 12, 2006

stuff stuff stuff

I never think I have much stuff and then I move... arg, it is like a sea of unending boxes. what is it all? Maybe the storage unit will burn down and then I will be free of it all... kind of cool to think about, well not that cool I guess, I just like the thought of being vagabond, with no ties, no material possessions, just me, the road, and B. Nice-

Classical music rocks.
Roastarama tea is yum.

Made it back to yoga, wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I took it easy on the backbends, no cirque du soleil, but I made it up through Karandavasana and with relatively no pain.

I'm back baby, I'm back.

One or two more trips to the storage unit, a couple more yoga practices, a softball game, a trip to trader joes, a packing session into the VW... and then we are on the road.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Gettin close

We have moved most of our stuff, still got the bed, table, tv, and stuff to go. Amazing how much can fit in a house. We put a bunch of stuff out front with a sign that said "Free." It was gone in about an hour. (Clothes, my ex roomie's futon and big yellow thing, and this piecer green couch that someone had gotten rid of). Cleaning out the barn feels good :)

I don't know if I'll be able to do yoga by monday, my ribs are still tweaked. Hopefully I can get a few practices in before we leave Wednesday. Hoping for blast off by noon-

So many places to go! Three weeks of unscheduled time... wha wha? OH yeah, bring that shit on!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No yogi training

B refers to yoga as Yogi training, (rhyming with Jedi). No yogi training for a while for me. I am hurt. Yep, hurt, and pretty badly. I have strained a muscle in my ribs and I can't do anything. I have to take some time off yoga. This is hard for me, but perhaps this is an exercise in the path of yoga itself, non-attachment to the physical practice.

I am soooooooo ready for our vacation starting on the 15th. Get me out of here. If I have to see one more Hummer I'm gonna die. Yep, just keel over. Granted, so cal is great in many ways, but right now I'm feeling REALLY over the mindset here. Hmmm, maybe this is my yoga lesson of the week- Non-judgement. Is this part of yoga? Probably. Just feeling weird about the money thing here- So much money- and when you don't have it, nor really care to have an abundance, it is like you don't really fit in. But perhaps this is my perception only and reflects some kind of self confidence issues as I don't have any money, nor do I care to have an abundance. I like that word, abundance, but it can be used in strange ways. Some anusara people talk about abundance and relate it to material wealth. I wonder how and when that translation came about.

I heard something disturbing. I won't name names, but someone was talking about how she wants to meet someone and the qualities she would like to find in a partner. These qualities were all very honorable, nice to her and her kids, responsible, mature, like minded, etc. The person she was talking to said "you need to be more specific in what you want, HOW will this guy treat you, and HOW MUCH money per year will he make, etc." This last comment blew me away. Is that really number two on the list? Wow, my perception of this person has now changed quite a bit. I am disappointed. But heh, that is life, good to know I guess.

Back to the day in my life, we got our post office box today, going to arrange for a storage space and start moving our junk in there this weekend. Next thursday or friday (depending on whether we get all our crap moved out in time) we will be heading for the hills. I love to hike and to sleep outside. I also just love spending time with B. As is probably evident, I am in love. Ahhhh, it's so great. And it just seems to get better all the time. Did anyone ever see the Notebook? I rented it when B was in Cabo and I was expecting to be making fun of it the whole time. Well, I loved that movie and I swear, like the beatles said "All you need is love." (I hope that was the Beatles anyway, besides, you get the point). Anyway, I am in love and it's probably the best place in the world to be.

In re: to vacation, I've heard that the Trinity Alps are spectacular and not crowded and so perhaps we will get up there. We are also thinking about moving to Oregon after I've done my student teaching and perhaps we will have enough time on this little excursion to get up there. Gosh, I am all about vacation.

I am drinking a glass of Syrah, oh yummy. Just had some soup. Feel fat but heh, I am a girl with body issues, that's what we do best. B is working on his van which equals B is frustrated. I had some stuff to do for school so I was gone for a few hours this arvo (as say the aussies) and I think he's been working on it ever since. Love a man all dirty and sweaty!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I wish I had a swimsuit just like I did back then

Yep, just got this from my cousin (sitting cross legged). Now those were the days. Exploring out in the almond orchard and pretending to be wonder woman. Look at my big belly!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Spaced Out

Was in Idyllwild working at a retreat for Alison. It was at altitude and wow did I feel it! I was soooooo light headed at the first two practices I couldn't believe it. I ate a ton to try to ground me. It seemed to work. Now that I'm back at sea level I feel spacey again. And tired, so tired.

Good to break the monotony and get out of town for a few days. Interesting to get to know some yoga people a bit more. It is hard to get to know people at a deeper level when you only practice with them and say your pleasantries on a day to day basis. Much better to get the time to just be with them.

Right knee aching, intercostal muscle mini-freak out, a head in the clouds, just another day. B is at the Hank Williams III gig in Solana Beach... I want to go but Lizzie just too tired to move. I think movie and couch tonight, can't even process the concept of anything more.