Wednesday, March 29, 2006

NERDS!!! friends, and if you could be good at something what would it be?

Just read a girlfriend's blog and so love that she still refers to her little brother with the nickname "Bruce Lee." Missus O and I were on the swim team as kids and when her little brother Steven started up karate lessons, one of the crew (maybe it was my brother?) started calling him Bruce. So funny that is still being called that. And yes, I am still refered to as "Nerd." to think that I've had that nickname for about 20 years. Probably true as I think about it, I am a bit of a nerd. Have you noticed now though that nerds are cool? Just a thought, but it seems that nerds have it a lot better than they used to.

Since it was moon day B and I went out for a bit of breaka. I had a cafe au lait as I had already had some cereal. He surprises me sometimes, I got up thinking I would go to the gym and when I hit 0 mph traffic I decided to just turn around go home. When I got back he opened the door and said in mock-horror "You left! We never have the mornings together and you left!" Nice to be loved isn't it?

We had our softball game, almost lost, but we conquered in the end. Go Young Guns, the return. That is four wins in a row! I had a couple of good stops and a couple of decent hits. My team is super cool, love hanging out with them post game. We hit up Roundtable every week. B is pretty darn good at softball. Love a man that knows how to swing :)

Another blogger buddy posted about friends and how she's finding it difficult to establish certain kinds of friendships. I got to thinking, thank the man upstairs for a diversity of friends. I love that I have friends all over the world with so many different interests and life experiences. I want to send a xxx out to all my diverse buddies-Lauren, Ina, Emma (the British and Aussie variations), Jen, Aly, Ali, Dan, Megs, Laura, Ari, Brett, Layne, Kyra, Dan, Denis, David, Jackie, Jules, Kel, Nina, Nick, Sally, Skip, Stacia, Amanda, of course my best friend B,... I am BLESSED with killer friends and thank heavens for them bringing me into their lives.

Lastly, for those who have made it thus far into my rambles, I was thinking about what would be the coolest thing to be good at. Hmmm, singing? Surfing-no, maybe? Art. With my current unbearable lightness of being I'll go with being a writer. That would probably be the best... to produce a piece of writing that could endure and resonate. Kundera, Steinbeck, Tolstoy, Annie Erneaux, Maugham. Yep, you're pretty cool dudes. Would love to hear what you bloggers out there would want to be good at-

Sunday, March 26, 2006

...And the Pursuit of Happiness

B recommended a book to me and now that I am going to have a bit more free time I am looking forward to reading it. The title is Happiness. It asks the questions "What is Happiness? What makes us happy? Why do we strive for happiness? And how might we achieve it?" I had French Professor in college who frequently asked the question "Qu'est ce-que c'est ca? D'etre Contente?" What is this thing we call happiness? Good question. We always feel this is just the next step, once we get this or that done or achieved we will be happy. Last night I kept thinking, if I only had a better job.... if I had money I would... I wish my hips were more open so I could do Karanda Vasana... I wish I could take a trip to .... What I do know about the job issue is that I need a jobby job that gives me enough money to live and not feel like a mooch off of B and so that I will be more independent. I can't wait to start teaching once I finish my MA. I can't wait to have enough money to go out with my girlfriends and to be able to buy fresh flowers every once in a while.

It's not like I want a lot. If I had enough money I would....

buy a comfy, modest home
buy all organic food
get my oil changed in my car
Lander needs a new collar
take a little vacation here and there, nothing extravagant
take my mom out to dinner while she is here next week rather than her having to take me out

Is that too much to ask? I am greedy when I compare myself to others. So many people have it so much rougher than I do. But would these things provide happiness. I doubt it. It is always the next thing. And that is why we have our yoga practice. I strive, we strive to be in the moment, to open ourselves to the world that surrounds us NOW, not when I do this or that. Not when I can afford a vacation or when I can buy a house. But my life is good NOW. Family, friends, yoga, and B. I have a great life. Why am I still in The Pursuit of Happiness... ??? Don't I have it. It is a condition of the mind. At times I feel so happy, others I feel very frustrated.

I just opened my Happiness book randomly to see what would be the message trying to be conveyed at this moment, "We come to the world believing that there is such thing as an achievable happiness, that it is desirable and important, and that the things we desire will bring it about. It is not self-evident that any of these things are true..."

What do you think is happiness? At this exact moment my definition of happiness is

A day when I have a great yoga practice, a yummy breakfast with a gingerberry komboucha, a nice phone conversation with my mom, a cuddle with my man, a session with a good book, a walk with a friend in the afternoon, and cooking a yummy dinner to share with someone I love.

Maybe I do have happiness.... hmmmmm. Or maybe a BMW would equal happiness? Who knows. A lot of people seem to think so, maybe they are right?

Friday, March 24, 2006

Somehow I aced my final exam. I took a three hour test this morning, yuck. It was so hard. Just checked my grade and somehow I managed a 100. Incredible. Throw a few big words in there and your set I guess. Master's programs are some tough stuff.

No yoga for me this morning, wanted to get the test done before this afternoon because I knew it would be tough to do it after work. I am going to Alison's class in the morning.

I am going to go meet my gorgeous boyfriend now at Squid Joes to watch the second half of the basketball game. Did I mention yet that I am completely in love???? Great place to be.

Life is a approaching a more lucid state, lucky to have my mama in town next weekend.

Lander is such a cute little guy, he is staring at me wanting to go for a walk, but alas, his owner has priority at this moment. Besides, he already got his walk today.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Procrastination... I have so much to do and have no desire to do it. That is my one and only thought of the evening. Mind and body are mush. Sleep well, sweet dreams.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pizza is yummy... So the whole food issue with yoga gets to me. I wish people could be healthy and not obsess. Not about food, and not about yoga. I just made pizza with pesto, mushrooms, feta, onions, tomatoes, and broccoli. Now that is life! Have a good bottle of wine with your favorite person in the universe (B of course) and that is what it is all about. Yoga hurt a bit this morning. A bit off. Couldn't balance at all. And I got a bit snappy at all the people telling me how to do Karandavasana "Do this, do that" and me replying with "My hip is just too tight... blah blah blah..." I need a serious mind makeover. The morning didn't really start off right because for some reason I am having allergic reactions and breaking out into hives. I remember the first time I did this I was on the subway in NYC and I thought that there was something coming through the ventalation system. How paranoid is that? Well, I broke into hives this morning. This is probably about the 15th time I have done this in the last two years. I'm really over it. Not cool. It is probably stress related. My masters program is really full on right now and I'm working two jobs, doing 6 yoga practices per week, working almost everyday, maintaining family and friend relationships, playing on a softball team, and being a girlfriend. It's a lot for a girl eh? No wonder I broke into hives.... Also lots of stress this year... January got super sick, February, my Nana died, March, all this crap with having B gone, the job issues, school stress, Dog stress, MONEY stress, and then I had tons of trips planned and NONE are going to happen. Mope Mope Mope. I have dreams about Nana where I am realising over and over again in my dream that she has died and it shocks me every time. I really miss her. Poo. There are a lot of wonderful things in my life, new and old friends, a great relationship with my family, awesome yoga, and the man that I love... AND A 24-4 victory in our softball game last night!!!! However, I just can't seem to get out of my head.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Someone Take a Picture!!! Ok, did some crazy stuff at yoga this morning. So fun. In a backbend Rich helped me grab my calves, and then I stayed there by myself... standing like that. This is crazy man. Cirque du soleil here I come! Tiff does this all the, but it was a first for me :)

Oh, and I attempted Eka Pada Vristikasana. But NOT by myself as that would have been the end of me... Here's the pose I attempted off to the side. Ya right, maybe in 500 years.

Everyone should do yoga...looks cool eh. And it is all about how you look.........................

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Liz on first...

Good day, Sunshine...

Slow Saturdays are the best. Sleep in, drink tea, hang out with the man. Determine the meaning of life. Love that I am catching up with friends through having a blog, why it took me so long to do one, don't know. Last night we went out and got a drink at First Street Bar in Encinitas. That place is super cool, not pretentious or "sceney." Not much else going on today. Wish I could sleep in more, 7 rolled around and I laid in bed wishing I could sleep more. Pretty mellow day, off to work tonight. Hope yoga isn't as brutal tomorrow as it was yesterday!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wow, just got a message from Malinda. I'm assuming it is Sheniqua Malinda! It's super cool to hear from you! How did you hear about the Blog? What's new?

I have a stiff neck and it is really bugging me. Yoga this morning was like Chinese water torture. Love Rich, Tim's assistant, for trying to help me get the knots out of my neck. He's great!

B just discovered that Lander is at the Carlsbad Humane Society. Strange nobody notified us. We didn't imagine that he would have been taken there, as it is pretty far from here and we figured he would have gone to the pound here in town. But atleast we know he is there! B just left to get him. I bet it is going to be a hefty price to get him out. Kiran, were you serious about offering to take him? We just don't have any land to let him roam around... He is a great dog, sweet, and handsome, but he is just not made to be in a small house with practically nothing of a yard.

ooooo, have a lot of school work to do, and then have another night of training. I'm feeling TIRED and a little down. I can't wait for April, I have the month off of school. It will be the first time since last January that I have had a break from school. Hallelujah!

Forgot to say that Tuesday we won our Softball game. Ya Woo! Go "Young Guns!" (Our team name). We are going to smoke em this season! Well, probably not, but the enthusiasm is there. All the female players on the other teams are huge and strong. I sometimes think we are playing pro teams, not just a bunch of pizza and beer buddies like us.

School work time....

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fine Dining is Stressful!!!!!!

Because I am still finishing up my Masters I am stuck doing odd jobs. I am trying to mind my Ps and Qs at the new restaurant where I am working. I have to do everything just perfectly- it is really stressing me out! I just need to stay calm.

I just heard from my old roommate that her dog Charlee was hit by a car and didn't make it. So sad, she's really upset. Dog issues all around. Still no sign of our dog. We've put up signs, but I'm not sure we are going to hear anything. It's been a week already, it seems that if someone had him and wanted to get him back to his owners, we would have been contacted by now.

Tim's Improv class was a lot of fun this morning. He was in a playful mood which always lightens up the energy of the room. There was a girl there that I remember from Tim's teacher training last year. I remembered her because last year I noticed that she had a super cool wedding ring, it was diamonds and rubies. She practiced near me and no wedding ring anymore, costume jewelry instead. Looks like perhaps ANOTHER divorce...

Gorgeous day today, boring post though.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Our missing puppy :(

Brett and me at Torrey Pines...

Monday, March 13, 2006

This was me when I woke up this morning-I look ridiculous. I have a zit on my lip and it is making my lips all pouty. I keep laughing at myself when I look in the mirror. My upper lip looks like a sausage.

I woke up late this morning. Well, only 10 minutes but enough to get you a center-stage location at Tim's studio. I like those mornings when you have no expectations about your practice, you just show up. I had a really nice, intuitive practice. I concentrated on my breath. I wasn't sore. I almost made it all the way into Samakonasa- the ultimate test of how flexible I am for the day.
Kiran had showed me a great eka pada raj kapotasana anusara adjustment which really gets into those hips. I almost made it into padmasana in Karanda Vasana today, almost! Andrew was standing nearby and said "I thought you had that one!" All is coming, all is coming...

I did vrishtikasana in handstand all by myself and my feet were dangling in front of my eyes. Pretty crazy, eh?

I'm in a good mood today. Good yoga, worked a little, very sunny and beautiful out, now home and don't really have much I need to do. Might go to a movie or rent one tonight cause B has class.

Speaking of B, he's yummmmmmmmmy. He doing some work and furrowing his brow like always when he's on the computer.

So much better than last week. It is moon day tomorrow so I think we are going hiking somewhere. I need to get into better hiking shape so I can prepare for my Grand Canyon trip next month.

Yesterday we went to the pound to see if our dog Lander was there. No sign of him. He has been gone for 3 and a half days now. Kinda scary to think that somebody either has him and isn't letting us know, or that he could be dead somewhere. We don't really know what to think. I feel bad because he got out on my watch and he was definitely mad at me because I had yelled at him for tearing down the curtains and chewing and scratching the door that afternoon. Weird thing is that I think someone may have left him out cause our door wasn't bolted when I got home and I had definitely left it bolted.

So other than wondering about the dog, it has been a good day. Those are my wise words for the day... I feel pleasantly optimistic, hmmm, I wonder how long this is going to last.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Good Saturday morning!

I worked my second training shift last night. It went quicker than they day before. The thing that sucks about training is NO TIPS! The person you help gets major bank and you get nothing. Oh well, it is the way of the game. Only three more training shifts (which is kind of a lot, but is okay because the menu is difficult and I need time to try to learn it.) When it is busy it flies by. On the way to work it was a down pour and I almost got into another accident because someone in a black Honda Civic wasn't paying attention and when the traffic stopped they almost slammed into the back of me because the roads were so slick.

I haven't been sleeping all that much. All stressed out. I stayed up late last night, 1am. It is rare that this happens but may be more common as time goes by due to the nature of my new job. Also, can't sleep in cause I'm not used to it. It poured at 6am this morning and woke me up. As my friends are coming to town today, I needed to clean and now the house is spic and span so I'm having my breakfast. Yum.... cottage cheese, soy nuts, shredded coconut (to help with soarness), golden raisins as I'm out of cranberries, and some nutritional yeast. Now I am finishing up with a Komboucha. Don't I sound like a true yogini? Too bad I'll probably have a diet soda and gum later, both not on the yogini diet plan.

The dog is still MIA. This sounds really evil, but I don't miss him. He was stressing me out so bad. I will never take care of that dog for a long period of time again, I am obviously incapable because I cannot stay home all the time.

Oh I love the rain! It is probably only because we don't get it much. I don't miss my Tacoma days. Now that was bad weather. Never been colder!

So today is my day off yoga. Sometimes I go to Alison's really great open class at nine on Saturdays but this morning I could not think of anything I would less rather do. I need today off from yoga, mentally and physically. I might go to the gym later and do a bit of cardio- yes I know, not probably the best for opening up my hips, but I need the endorphins sometimes. Today is one of those days where if I don't go to the gym, I will just sleep all day and I've got stuff to do.

B gets back tonight. Ever since he's been gone to Cabo San Lucas I have had nothing but issues. The vehicle dying, the dog getting out every flippin day and terrorizing the house, having to find another job, having to get rides everywhere, all of these issues make it very fun for him to call me, I'm sure. I bet it is all so easy-peasy down in Cabo where he's been hanging out with friends, sure sounds nice. Meanwhile, I'm the nag at home complaining about the bills. Great. I'm sure he's super stoked to get back to this. I need the vacation now. Too bad I will never be able to take one now that I have another job and am a slave to my bills. I need to win the lottery asap.

But there are a couple of good things in my life. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club tonight! Ya! Seeing Brett! Ya, and having the man back home will help me sleep not to mention, I've been missing him like hell. I haven't slept much as I keep thinking the boogie man is trying to get in with all the weird noises in my house.

Tomorrow is my favorite class. 2nd series led. We'll see how that right hip goes in Karandavasana!

Friday, March 10, 2006

This is the pose I'm working on. I can't get my right leg far enough into padmasana to do it on my own. One day I will be able to do this, hopefully before I'm 50-

Too bad we're totally sober in this photo. I miss my man, he's home tomorrow! :)

So here's me bored in Baja- decide to play with my new camera instead of pine away for surf, not like I'm any good anyway

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Okay, so this is my first entry into the world of blogging. I can't believe I actually want to spend more time on the computer. Perhaps the delicate intricacies of my life being spilled into other minds holds some mysterious lure. Maybe I am just freaking bored because Brian is out of town.

The dog. The dog is gone again. This time I honestly don't care. I am so over babysitting that neurotic dog. He's gone, B gets back Saturday. At this point I don't care if I ever see the dog again. He's ripped up my door, my fence, and probably added four or five wrinkles to my face.

It was my first night at my restaurant job. C'est la vie. Once again training in a restaurant. One day, I will have a career, in the mean time I have to serve random people bread. Whatever, it could always be worse eh. I guess I could continue sitting on my ass for 30 hours a week at my other job if it weren't for the company going bust.

So my friend is coming into town and we are going to go to the BRMC (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) concert Saturday night. I love those guys- they put on a great show. This will be the first real fun thing I will be doing in forever. I have been feeling so sorry for myself. Boo hoo. I just found out a friend had a miscarriage. Now that is something worth feeling bad about, not being lonely, having car issues, fat day issues, and dog issues. Come on Liz. Get over yourself.

My car is finally fixed. Not having a car in Southern California makes your life hell. Thanks to great friends for carting my sorry butt everywhere!!

Can't wait for my man to get back... two more days. Too bad his messages on my phone were about as animated as my 7th grade science teacher Mr. Hershey (Translation, sounded like he was about as excited to be speaking to me as getting a root canal). Sometimes I wonder if he actually is into our relationship. (B, not Mr. Hershey!)

So, I guess I've been eating too much as my pants are all not fitting now. What the hell is that?

Wow, that is a very negative post. Hopefully the next one will be super positive and I will be frolicking in the meadows.